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What happens if my workspace is on the Pro trial plan and I let the trial expire?
What happens if my workspace is on the Pro trial plan and I let the trial expire?

If you're on a Pro trial & you let the trial expire, your account will lose access to the premium features only available on the Pro plan.

Paola Vidulich avatar
Written by Paola Vidulich
Updated over a week ago

You will loose access to the below Professional Plan features:

  • You will no longer be able to take advantage of the Privacy Guard or lock your projects.

  • You will no longer be able to export your analyses.

  • You will no longer be able to upload and create unlimited analysis projects - you will only be able to create one

  • Instead of having 25 collaborators, you will only be able to invite one collaborator.

  • Instead of being able to create 10 customized Dashboards, you will be limited to one.

  • You will no longer have access to live chat support.

Furthermore, while we will not remove any of your projects that go over the limits, you may lose the ability to edit and/or add more videos, audio, analyses, dashboards, and markers.

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