With the Dreamaker.io integration for Zoom, you can import your Zoom cloud recordings directly into Dreamaker.io!
In Dreamaker.io, navigate to your home page or folder you would like to import your your Zoom recording into
Click on the Import from Zoom, as indicated in the above image. If you have not already authorized Dreamaker.io to use Zoom, do so now (steps here).
Find the recording you are looking for, click on the import button, and select the recording you would like to import. Dreamaker.io accepts both video and audio-only recordings.
Zoom Chat: If a chat exists, check the box next to chat to import it too. Chats will appear in both the project notes and as project event tags. The latter connects the chats to the exact moment in the recording when the chat was made.
Closed Captions: If a closed caption file exists, this will automatically be imported into Dreamaker.io too. Closed captions appear in the video, as the video is played. Learn how to enable closed captions in your Zoom account.
And that's it! You will be emailed when the import has completed!