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Dashboards explained Analysis tools includes Dashboards, Tags, Markers, and Filters. This article explains Dashboards, tags and how to design them.

Paola Vidulich avatar
Written by Paola Vidulich
Updated over a week ago

Analysis in takes place on the analysis page. 

The Analysis page includes several analysis tools: Dashboards, Tags, Markers, and Filters. 

  • Dashboards are used to index or tag moments of interest in the video and focus the area of study

  • Tagged moments of interest can be further categorized using markers

  • Tagged moments can be filtered to draw deeper insight

Dashboards and Tags

The power of dashboards lies in their ability to focus your area of study. Interested in paralanguage? Create a dashboard specifically for paralanguage. Interested in movement? Focus your study with a dashboard specific to movement analysis.

The initial process of analyzing media involves indexing or tagging key moments or events in audio or video files. Dashboard tags are the primary tool used for this.

Tags are grouped together in dashboards

Tags label the general category or nature of the event and Dashboards act as the logical groupings for Tags. 

For example, you may define a set of tags to focus on conflict - Accusation, Escalation, De-escaltion - and group these tags together in a dashboard called Conflict Facilitation.

Dashboards and dashboard tags together help focus your study and bring structure to your analysis.

Designing your dashboards and tags

Dashboards and tags can be flexibly designed with your needs in needs in mind. They can also be changed or edited at any point during the analysis process. 

In designing your dashboards, its helpful to follow these steps

  1. Think about your area of focus and needs for the project. 

  2. Make a list of the types of events you would like to tag. You will likely come up with several different types of events. 

  3. If you have more than 8 types, group the types into categories

The types will form the basis for your tags, while the categories will inform how the tags can be grouped into dashboards.

As described below, a generic or specific approach can be taken to your design.

Generic Dashboards and Tags

Generic Dashboards and tags are useful in capturing a broad spectrum of events.

An example of a generic Processwork dashboard could may include the tags Signal, Double Signal, Edge, Cycling, Intervention, and Hmm..? 

In this example, the tags Signal and Intervention are generic and can be used to capture any significant signal or facilitation intervention. The tag Hmm..? could be used to capture anything not covered by the other tags.

When starting a project, its useful to include at least one generic tag to capture important events not covered by the other tags.

Dashboards and tags can redefined during the process of analysis to further tailor to your projects specific needs.

Specific Dashboards and tags

In the above example, the tag Cycling is specific to the Processwork concept of Cycling and can be used to tag Cycling events only.

Dashboards and tags with a specific focus are useful for analyzing certain sets of signals. They help focus and deepen the study in a specific direction.

Dashboards with very specific focus areas may include, for example, a Paralanguage dashboard with tags like Volume, Speed/Tempo, and Tone or a Micro-expressions dashboard with tags like Anger, Surprise, Happiness.

Analysis Projects and Dashboards

Each project can have its own unique set of Dashboards, enabling the fine-tuning of analysis per project.

Dashboards can be re-used across several projects and tags can be re-used across dashboards. 

Get started

To get you started, a basic dashboard with tags has been added to your account. To edit this dashboard and the tags, follow the instructions in the Creating and editing dashboards article.


  • Changes made to a dashboard or tag will carry across all projects and event tags where those tags and dashboards are in use.

  • Dashboards and dashboard tags can be added to or removed from projects at any point during the analysis life cycle

  • Event tags referencing removed dashboards and dashboard tags and will continue to reference them in the analysis list

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